How to Use Light to Change the Color of a White Backdrop?

Tips for taking photos indoors. 読む How to Use Light to Change the Color of a White Backdrop? 2 分 What kind of backdrop do you think should be used in photography?

How to turn white backdrop into gray, black? This ability exists as a basic skill for studio photographers.

But nowadays photography is becoming more and more convenient. Today, studio photography is not only available to professional photographers.

Many friends found only a white backdrop when renting a studio. It is very different from the effect that you have previously imagined. What should I do now? Do you want to rely on PS?

Today, I will tell you the easiest way to turn a white backdrop into a gray backdrop and a black backdrop.

  • The white backdrop turns into a gray backdrop.

By reducing the backdrop's exposure to light, the white backdrop can be grayed out. But to have a uniform gray backdrop requires a choice of lighting accessories. Usually, the professional studio photographer chooses the octagonal softbox or the relatively diffuse accessory of the umbrella to evenly absorb the backdrop.

Specific layout:

1, select the 0 degrees light level.

2, the distance between the control light and the backdrop is about 3 meters.

3, the power of the lamp should not be fully open.

4, the camera's shutter speed is controlled at around 1 / 125 seconds.

  • The white backdrop turns into a black backdrop.

With the backdrop free of light, the white backdrop can turn black. But how do you keep the white backdrop from the light? Then use a very strong light accessory to make it black. Usually, the professional studio photographer chooses the standard cover and radome and adds a honeycomb to increase the binding force to the light. So that the backdrop is not exposed to light.

Specific layout:

1. Select a light level of 60 degrees or 90 degrees.

2, control the distance between the light and the backdrop is more than 3 meters.

3, the power of the lamp is fully open, because the addition of the hive, it is necessary to consider the subject's light.

4, the camera's shutter speed is controlled at about 1 / 160 seconds, try to shoot with a smaller aperture.

5, the flash is properly close to the main body.

Does this method help you?


